Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gardening is Great Chi!

Gardening is a relaxing, enjoyable “me” time; with the added visual enjoyment of healthy, growing plants that flower and thrive on your attention. This is conversing with nature on a completely different level. Imagine all the fresh air, calming atmosphere, fresh berries and blossoms, enormous vegetables, wildlife that flits around you like you are part of the gang. It does wonders for the beauty rest forcing you to rest with the added benefit of waking up rejuvenated. Try watering the plants while your mind drifts off. Let the wind blow your hair while bugs try to get a drink zooming through the spray. The energy captured from the garden and all that it emits long after you are gone inside is worth every minute.

If you still don’t like to garden or have little time; make your garden interesting visually with color and sculptures, water features and wind chimes. Even if you don’t actually garden…you can still make the garden an interesting area that captures Chi!

Good Luck!

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